Sunday, January 9, 2011

Beginning Again

So I know that there is a lot to put into blogging, and I can not really say that I tried last year, then again; I did not really try last year to even write much. So, This year I am making myself sit down more and write, or ramble, more about what is going on.

I've been trying to take myself seriously lately, but it is all a joke sometimes. I was walking at work and hit my hand on a painting that is mounted on the wall, long story short, I bruised my hand and it's still a little numb.

I got home today and Bobby was giving me a hug and I freaked out because I looked over at the sink and I found this:

I couldn't help but laugh. That FACE!

I can not wait for school to start back up. It is quite nice to keep myself busy with school work. Work just isn't enough. I'd like to have a class where I can actually make friend that do not mind hanging out. I could use a few more friends that have time to hang out. I have Art Appreciation and Event Risk Management. I'm excited! I start back up on the 18th.

I have somehow managed to rip my contacts, so I'm stuck wearing glasses. I'm not too thrilled about it but they work. I have to wear them to work and while driving, due to my horrifically bad vision. I guess things could be worse, I could just loose my eyesight all together.

Oh well... I'll post some more soon.

Peace out!
- Ryan (Ross) DuPree

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