Sunday, January 30, 2011


The Life of Me - Vanity

So, for the past umpty-dumpty years, I've taken pictures of myself. As most people, especially younger people, do. My boyfriend things I'm vain, but I consider it confidence. I know what I like to look like in pictures and I like to show my body. I believe I've worked hard, and still do, to keep in shape and look good, so I can photograph it and get commented on it.

So, I honestly don't care what he thinks about it, but I figured since it came up today, 
I'd just leave this here! ^_^

On another note. I've recently decided that, as I live in Daytona, and Bike week is soon to come... Beginning of March, I will be leaving town for the week! I can't stand Bike week! If you think driving down the road with a few motorcycles around you is bad enough, try an entire TOWN full of them!! It's the worst thing ever! So I'm planning on leaving for that week. I will take the opportunity to see my family and friends in Gainesville. I can't wait! =D

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